Account Application Info--Business

Fill your forms out now, save time later!

We want to make your first experience with First Farmers & Merchants quick and easy! Save time in person by printing your forms ahead of time and completing them before you come in. Here's how to do it.

  1. Download an Account Application Information form 
  2. Fill it out as thoroughly as possible. 
  3. Gather the documents and information below, and bring them with you when to come to the bank.
  4. Visit your local First Farmers & Merchants branch to complete the process of opening your account.

What information do I need to open a new account?

For a faster application process, please have the following information on hand when you begin your application:

Business Accounts:

  • EIN assignment letter
  • Articles of incorporation or organization; Partnerships would need a copy of the Partnership Agreement.
  • Management agreement or operating agreement (if applicable)
  • One current form of photo identification

Note: If you're adding signers to the account, you will need photocopies of these documents for each of those individuals as well.

If you're missing one of these pieces of information, you can also schedule an appointment with a Customer Service Representative at your local branch for a day and time that works best for you.

What information do I need to open a joint account?

You’ll need the same information that’s needed when opening an individual account, but you’ll need it for both applicants. For details, please see the preceding question and answer. Please note that each co-applicant has to sign the signature form.

How do I make an initial deposit for an account that I just opened?

To make your initial deposit, you can transfer money from your account at another bank. If you are already a First Farmers & Merchants customer, you can transfer money from your existing account. You can also use cash, check or money order for your initial deposit.

The transfer will not take place until your account is approved. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds available to be transferred.

How much can I deposit into my new account?

When applying for a new checking or savings account, you can deposit any amount ranging from the minimum opening deposit amount to a higher amount. View our checking & savings accounts for details.

How long will it take to open an account when I apply?

Generally, if you are a brand new customer to First Farmers & Merchants, we would like you to plan on 30-45 minutes. If you are an existing customer, it may take only 15-20 minutes.